The Details That Matter
The Finish
Clear Anodized - Silver

Black Powder Coated

Side Mount Vertical
- Vertical upright profile used to act as a back brace to secure the back of the side mount
Best Practices:
- Usually 16 inches high with a 1.5x1.5 inch profile.
- Can use the side mount without this brace but lacks the stability that it adds to the assembly.

Side Mount Horizontal
- The long profile is used to attach your shifter, hand brake or anything else you'd like.
Best Practices:
- Usually a 1x3 inch profile 22 inches long.
- You have up to 26 inches long normally if you need to make it longer but best to make sure there is still room for the upright to be mounted as well (doesn't fall off the frame).
- It usually attaches in front to the Wheel Upright.

Mounting Profiles
- Small 1.5x1.5 mounting profiles to be able to easily mount your gear onto your side mount.
Best Practices:
- Usually these are 1.5x1.5 inch profiles, 6-8 inches long.
- Add as many as needed in order to mount your gear.
- They can be attached by corner brackets (1515) either underneath or in front and in back (in-line with the horizontal profile)

Corner Brackets
- Use as many as you need to secure your side mount to your frame.
Best Practices:
- Please see the photo for refererance about where corner brackets are best placed.
- See the back corner bracket on the photo? The one that attached the side mount to the top of the long side profile? Most cockpit companies don't use that one, we do. It's awesome. that one extra bracket is positioned very well to keep the side mount as strong as possible.
- Each bracket that we sell comes with the necessary T-Nuts and M8 bolts necessary to use them.
- Cover caps are not included with a bracket, those are sold separately.
- Our Corner Brackets are slotted and have tabs on them that help to keep them guided in the slot but can also be broken off in order to mount a brackets across a slot (as opposed ot inside of it)
- They are 38x36x36 mms (same as 40 Series)
- You can use silver corner brackets on a black powder coated frame. Or vice-versa. Simply a matter of color preference.
Our Brackets
1515 Corner Brackets

1515 Cover Caps

1530 Corner Bracket

1530 Cover Caps